Great Rivers Council, BSATrainingCommissioner College 2012

2012 Commisssioner College
Saturday, April 14, 2012

We will be holding our annual Council Commissioner College training at the University of Scouting on Saturday April 14th, 8:00am-4:30pm at Wesley UMC in Jefferson City. Registration form and schedule can be found here.

“Learning is a lifetime activity. As Commissioners, we must continually adjust our skills to provide a more valuable service to our units. Therefore, Commissioners should view learning as an important part of their Scouting lives – every month, every year.” - From the Preface to “Continuing Education section of the Administration of Commissioner Service Manual.”

Commissioners' College is an annual council-hosted full-day training event for Commissioners; but all interested unit leader Scouters are welcome. The college is based on an academic college model with degrees conferred on graduates based on a national BSA curriculum. The courses offered at our college are designed to expose participants to the multiple aspects and approaches to Commissioner Service. The goal of the college is to motivate, train, and inform Commissioners on how to help units succeed (i.e., enable Scouting to grow and go).

We are also offering Commissioner Basic Training. All new and prospective Commissioners should plan to attend this training.


This year’s Commissioner College training will be hands-on, interactive, small and large group directed, meet requirements for all degree curriculums plus your choice of classes based on your unit or personal needs, special speakers, real-time help to complete your thesis or project and find out what courses are needed to complete each degree program. You will have the ability to complete up to eight hours of training in one day. This year’s College Planning Committee is Council Commissioner Kirk Boyer, Assistant Council Commissioner John Young, District Commissioners Sid Popejoy and Bryan Norman, Cheryl Cobb and Evie White.


Registration information will be available online at the GRC website the first week of February.  The cost is $20; but registrations received before April 1 will be $15. Registration form and schedule can be found here.


We also encourage you to attend the Great Rivers Council annual dinner in Jefferson City in the evening following Commissioner College.


If you have any questions, please contact Kirk Boyer on 573-821-3411 or


We look forward to seeing you on April 14th.