2002 Summer Camp Staff

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  • Camp Staff Employment Information

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  • Counselors in Training (CIT)

 District Executive

Have you thought about being an executive with the Boy Scouts of America?

"A Career Where Character Counts!"  The purpose of the Boy Scouts of America--incorporated on February 8, 1910, and chartered by Congress in 1916--is to provide an educational program for boys and young adults to build character, to train in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and to develop personal fitness.  In this age where the realities of life are all but lost in a muddle of headline-rattling happenings, we feel there are areas where one can do little things to help guide the thinking and action of the young people who will inherit the future.

What do professionals in Scouting do?

The job of the Scouting professional is to inspire, recruit, train, and support dedicated volunteers in their work with youth members. The professional Scouter must be people-oriented.  Professional Scouters are thought of as professional youth workers, even though they seldom work directly with youth. Their role is to encourage community organizations to do their own youth work. Professional Scouters work through adult volunteers who deliver the program of Scouting to the youth members.

District Executive--Entry level

The District executive is responsible for the overall growth, extension, quality, program enhancement, and supervision of the Scouting program within a specified geographical area. The district executive achieves this through the identification, cultivation, recruitment, and guidance of a corps of adult volunteers whose purpose is to support, train, and motivate adult volunteer leaders who deliver the Scouting program. Public relations and fund-raising administration are vital additional functions.


Compensation is one of the most competitive among non-profits and provides an array of benefits including medical, dental, vision, and 403(B) matching program. On the basis of an individual’s performance, salaries increase each year.  Starting salary in 2001 is $29,600.


Bachelors degree is required. The ability to establish good rapport with diverse groups of people.   Strong leadership skills.  Strong communication skills and an emphasis on teamwork.


Direct inquiries to: Personnel Department: Great Rivers Council, B.S.A. 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, MO 65201 or via email to: Personnel Department

The Boy Scouts of America is an equal opportunity employer. 


©2001 Great Rivers Council, BSA

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