This is a printable form.   (640x480) 

To make contributions please print this form, fill it out and mail to council office.
An individual can make a donation to the Great Rivers Council Tribute/Memorial fund in memory of a loved one or in honor of a friend, associate, relative or just someone you would like to say thanks to in this way.

Donor(s) (your) name and address:

Your Name                Address                     City                          


State                     Zip

Donation is to be made in honor or memory of:

Recipients Name _________________________________________________

Reason for donation: deceased, anniversary, birthday, sick, job well done, thanks,congratulations, other (please circle one)?  Please use reverse side to give details.

To whom would like an acknowledgment letter sent to?

Name                Address                     City                          


State                     Zip

And what relation is this person (sent to person) to "The Recipient"? _______________________

Amount of donation _______________      Check or Money Order Number ___________
Cash? Yes / No (Not recommended to send cash through the mail).
Your name will be included in the acknowledgment letter and the Pilot, BUT not the amount of your donation.

MC/Visa Discover _________________________________________________

Expiration Date:_____________ Signature: _____________________________

Make checks payable to:
Great Rivers Council
Send donation and this form to:
BSA - Great Rivers Council
1203 Fay Street
Columbia, MO 65201-4719
Questions Call
In Columbia call   449-2561

a United Way agency

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©2001 Great Rivers Council, BSA


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