
    District Committee


24   Osage Trails District Pinewood Derby



6     District Committee Meeting
13   Roundtable/Comm/OA
28-30 Cupbord Creek Encampment

27   School Night to Join Scouting Orientation Meeting
28 – 30  Cupbord Creek Encampment


3     District Committee
10   Roundtable
13   1st week of Boy Scout Camp




Osage Trails District Pinewood Derby
Pinewood derby will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church on April 24, 2004. The doors will be open at 9 a.m. and racing starts at 10. We will continue racing through out the day until completion of the derby. If you have any questions, contact Percy Shackles at 660-827-6089 or email at mowabbithntr@webtv.net.

                           Registration time     Start time
Tiger Cubs                  9:30-10:00             10:00
Wolf                         10:00-11:00             11:00
Bear                         11:00-12:00             12:00
Jr. Webelos                12:00-1:00               1:00
Sr. Webelos                 1:00-1:30               1:30

District Chairman            Scott Calder      660-829-8729  calder@waterlooindustries.com  

District Commissioner    Mark Freeman    660-527-3707       marklfreeman@earthlink.net 

District Executive                Joe Potts      573-375-8088      jpotts@bsamail.org