May 13 Roundtable 28-30 Cupbord Creek Encampment
June 8-11 Day Camp
Attention Scout Leaders There is an opportunity for completing environmental requirements toward advancement right in your back yard. Kingdom Projects is willing to provide tours, presentations, interviews, fund raising collection projects, service projects, and more. They may also have some potential Eagle project ideas.
Contact David Nelson at Kingdom Projects, Inc. An Extended Employment Sheltered Workshop, 2611 North Bluff Street in Fulton or by calling (800) 318-5714 ext. 209 or (573) 642-7333 ext. 209. You can also email Nelson at nelson@kingdomprojects.org or visit Kingdom Projects' Web site at www.kingdomprojects.org
District Dinner Congratulations to Bill Corwin and Bob Sterner for being this year's District Award of Merit recipients. Congratulations to Bill Woods, Tim Davis, Rhonda Vitale and Susan McCarty. Over 40 people attend the dinner and were entertained by the Mexico High School Show Choir, "Noteworthy." Thanks to Barb Wilson for putting together such a nice dinner.
This year's theme is Discover Native America. Day Camp will be June 8-11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mexico 4-H Fairgrounds. Paula Hoer and Barb Wilson will once again be running the show. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Paula Hoer at 581-4546.
Also check us out at http://www.bsa-grandprairie.org District Chairman Bob Sterner 573-642-0714 calpars@callawaycounty.org District Commissioner Adolph Ogar 573-881-8385 aandaautobody@midamaerica.net District Executive Valerie Mossman 573-449-2561 x210 vmossman@bsamail.org 573-721-4078 (new cell number) |