7 Commissioners Meeting/District
Committee Meeting 12
Leader Specific Training 13 Roundtable 17 Council Annual Meeting
and Awards Banquet 23-25 Boonslick Bear/Webelos Camp
May 5 Commissioners Meeting/District Committee Meeting 11 Roundtable 28 Cupbord Creek Encampment Begins 31 Office and Camps Closed (Holiday)
June 2 Commissioners/District Committee Meeting 21-24 Boonslick Day Camp
Congratulations to all those who participated in the 2004 Scouting For Food campaign. Scouts from Boonslick collected 17,000 pounds of food for the Central Missouri Food Bank. Make sure to come to roundtable in April to see the unit results!! Upcoming Events: -Boonslick Bear/Webelos Camp is scheduled for April 23-25. Please contact the council service center or Diane Cook for more details. -Cupbord Creek Encampment is scheduled from May 28-30 at the Ike Skelton Training Site in Jefferson City. Online registration forms can be downloaded from the council Web site. -Cub Scout Day Camp will be June 21-24 from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Midway Expo Center. More information will be given at the April and May roundtables. Please plan on attending this great event at the Midway Expo Center. Many activities are being planned that the boys are sure to love! -Cub Scout Resident Camp information can be received by calling Paul Acosta at the Scout office.
Council Calendar The Great Rivers council calendar can be located at www.bsa-grc.org for all council and district related activities. Everything from training dates, camporees, roundtables and summer camp can be found on the council calendar. Feel free to visit the Web site and make copies for your own personal reference.
District Chairman -- Richard Mendenhall -- 573-449-7566 richardm@realtors.org District Commissioner -- Larry Lampton -- 573-445-9743 lamp829@aol.com District Executive -- Luke McCoy -- 573-449-2561 ext. 211 lumccoy@bsamail.org