Give to Scouting
Scouting makes a direct and positive impact on your community by teaching positive values and leadership skills to youth. Join the individuals, corporations, and foundations who support Scouting's mission.
Donate Now
The best way to support the Boy Scouts of America financially is by making a contribution directly to the local council that serves your community. The website enables you to make a contribution online via major credit card, check, or PayPal, or you can print a form to send a contribution by mail.
Special Events
Each year the Great Rivers Council conducts special events to showcase the positive impact of Scouting.
Workplace Giving
A workplace giving campaign (i.e. United Way) is an employer provided program that offers employees the ability to make regular donations to eligible charities through a payroll system. In most instances, employees can choose to donate to any valid 501(c)3 nonprofit they like as long as the organization is eligible to receive tax deductible gifts. An ideal campaign requires leadership, employee volunteers, a plan and charities to support. Many Campaigns today are supported by online giving systems.
Memorial & Tribute Fund
Donations to the Memorial Tribute Fund are a gratifying way for individuals, businesses, or groups an opportunity to make a contribution in living memory as a tribute on a special occasion or at the death of a friend or relative. Unless otherwise requested, gifts to the Memorial Tribute Fund (and gifts that arrive because the family of the deceased place a "in lieu of flowers") all go into the Council's Endowment Fund, with the earnings supporting Scouting in perpetuity.
Planned Gifts
The local council endowment ensures that Scouting will continue building character, fitness, and citizenship for years to come. Find out about ways to plan a gift to the Great Rivers Council and the additional personal income and tax benefits your gift can create. Additional information can be found at
Capital Campaign
Building Leaders for Life at the Lake of the Ozarks Scout Reservation.
AmazonSmile - Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Boy Scouts of America whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.
Vehicle Donation - Turn almost any vehicle into a tax deductible donation.