Scouting Questions and Answers


Q. Who do I call for help or information?

A. We are anxious to help you. The box on our home page titled "Council Overview and Contact Information" has telephone numbers and e mail addresses for all of our staff members, as well as the program area they are responsible for.

Scout Shop



Q. Eagle Scout packet review questions.

A. After Eagle packets are received in our office they are reviewed by volunteers to ensure that all advancement information is correct and that all other requirements have been met. If there are any problems with the application parents/Scouts are notified. The time of the review process varies, depending on how many packets are in process. The review will normally be completed within four weeks. Please direct questions to Charlotte White at (573) 449-2561 x204, or 800 SCOUT LAW.


Selling popcorn is a great way to raise money for your unit program needs. The sale takes place in the fall. Many Scout units raise $800, $1,200, $2,000 or more from the sale.

Q. What are other acceptable fund raisers?

A. All units that take part in fund raising activities outside of the council popcorn sale need to follow the guidelines outlined in the BSA's Unit Money-Earning Application (#34427) and submit a copy of the application to the district finance committee before beginning their effort. The planning steps on the application help ensure a successful result. The paperwork also allows district and council volunteers and staff to verify which fund raising activities are legitimate when members of the community call to ask.

Please note. The philosophy of earning one's own way is taught to Scouts through fund raising activities. The national guideline that there be no direct solicitation for funds by leaders or youth from corporations, organizations and business leaders reinforces this policy.

Some ideas include: Car washes, father-son cake bake, Christmas wreaths, candy, and gift items. Scouting magazine offers additional ideas.


Q. How do I join the program?

A. Scouting programs are offered by community organizations. The professional Scouter in each service area (district) can tell you about the programs near your home. Please use the "Districts" drop down box to find their contact information. Boys in first through fifth grade join Cub Scouts and boys in sixth grade through age 17 are Boy Scouts. Our co-ed program, Venturing, is for young men and women, ages 14 to 20.


Q. Can I order Scout items over the telephone or online?

A. Yes. See below.

Scout Shop hours and location.
The Scout Shop is our retail store, where badges of rank, pinewood derby cars, uniforms, handbooks and more can be purchased.
Address: 1203 Fay St., Columbia MO 65201 (off I-70 near Rangeline on the Business Loop)
Telephone: (573) 449-2561 ext 204, (800) SCOUT LAW
E mail:
FAX orders accepted at (573) 874-6846
Monday 8-5
Tuesday 8-6
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 8-6
Friday 8-5
Saturday 9-1, except major holidays


Q. When is my roundtable?

A. Roundtable is a monthly gathering of Scout leaders from each of our service areas (districts). The evening meeting is an idea exchange meeting attracting 20 to 80 leaders. The dates, times and locations for roundtables are located on the home page of each district, found under the "Districts" drop down box.

Q. When is the next training?

A. Some training is available on line. See our home page for links to these opportunities. Numerous training events are offered throughout the council. Please see each district page for their offerings. NOTE: You may attend training programs in any district.


Great Rivers Council, BSA, 1203 Fay Street, Columbia, Missouri 65201
Phone: (573) 449-2561 or 1-800-SCOUTLAW