3.8 miles around camp Thunderbird's perimeter.....
Highlight are some PETROGLYPHS (carving on rocks) from the early Indians. The birds are from south of our area, which leaves the question, were the birds here at one time or did the painters move here from the south (question and information from a Conservation Commissions ornithologist -- Jim Wilson).  The "cave" is officially the Mitchell Petgroglyph Site and is on the National Register of Historic Sites. It is not a true cave but a limestone overhang with the carvings. Several years ago an archeologist came out to study the glyphs (as part of the work toward her doctoral dissertation) and found some that were not included in the original studies. There is at least one that is unique to other petroglpyh sites in Missouri. Some of the "birds" have holes in them where, at one time, a crystal was probably embedded, which indicates a really important spirit or sacred place or both.
Other points of interest are an old log cabin and a giant sycamore tree.