Unit Leaders Guidebook

Unit Kernel Position Description

Position Objective:

The Unit Popcorn Kernel’s role is to inform parents, leaders and youth of the benefits of the sale, to organize the distribution of the information, to motivate Scouts to sell, and to collect prize and popcorn orders to deliver them to the council by October 15 for Show N Deliver and November 30 for Take Order Sales.

Important Dates to Remember

Unsold Popcorn

All unsold popcorn (from Show N Deliver not used to fill Take Order Sales) should be returned to the Final Popcorn Distribution location on December 11.  Utilize the Unit Order and Settlement Form to total the amount of popcorn that will be returned.  However, note the following:

Deadline for unsold popcorn returns–  December 11, 2004

All unsold popcorn should be returned to the Final Popcorn Distribution location.  After the deadlines for returning unsold popcorn have passed, the council will not accept these returns and the unit will be responsible for paying for the popcorn. 

Show N Deliver

The Show N Deliver is a great opportunity to have a successful popcorn sale by going door to door with popcorn to make your sale easier.  The benefit is that the popcorn is readily available to sell to the customer and there’s no need for follow-up to deliver the popcorn and secure payment!  Here’s how it works:

Show N Deliver Sale Hints

Show N Deliver Sale Day Preparation

Frequently Asked Questions

Popcorn Pick-up/Delivery—How will I know when and where to pick-up my popcorn order?  How big of a vehicle to bring?  How much popcorn will I pick up?

You will receive an invoice to confirm the amount of popcorn to pick-up.  You will receive information concerning the location of your popcorn pick-up site, times and directions. Vehicle Guidelines:

Where can I get additional Paperwork?

Visit the Council Service Center. On the Council web-site www.bsa-grc.org  go to finance and then to popcorn.  The  Product Order Form, Unit Prize Order Form, Unit Order and Settlement Form by Container, $1,000 Prize Form, Scholarship Form and instructions on how to fill-out all paperwork will be there for you.

Are there other programs that recognize Scouts for selling popcorn?

Yes, there are specific advancement requirements for both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, which can be earned through the “Trail to Success” program by selling Trail's End Popcorn.  This program is also great for Den activities on all levels of the Cub Scouting program.  You can find this program on the Trail’s End website, www.trails-end.com, under the Unit Leader Guidebook.

How Do I Order Online?

NOTE: All unit passwords will be mailed to Unit Popcorn Kernels by Monday, September 22nd.

Key points to remember in online ordering

How can prizes be ordered online?

$1,000 Prize Level Order Form

This form must be filled-out completely and turned-in to the council for approval.  After approval this form will be mailed to Trail’s End.  Points to remember:

Scholarship Program Form

This form must be filled out completely and turned in to Council for approval.  After approval the Council Popcorn Staff Advisor will mail this form to Trail’s End.  Points to remember:

You must attach a photocopy of the Scout’s Take Order Form to this sheet.  This form will not be approved without the Take Order Form.

Be aware of the program guidelines listed in the two pages listed prior to the form.

Scout Take Order Form

Scouts utilize this form to take their popcorn orders.  You do not need to turn-in this form to the Council.  It is helpful to make copies of these forms and then have them available when organizing popcorn by den or patrol to distribute.  This helps to keep each Scout’s order organized.  It is important to make copies of these forms, if they’re lost it’s difficult for a Scout to know where to deliver his popcorn! 

Unsold Popcorn

There are some things that can happen to keep popcorn from being delivered or paid for including a customer moving or refusing to pay for the popcorn after it has been ordered.  It is important to note that the deadline for returning popcorn is December 15.  The Council will not accept returned popcorn after these deadlines and the unit will be responsible for payment.

Here are some helpful hints.

Have at least one back-up person to help throughout the sale.  For any reason should the Unit Popcorn Kernel become ill, take an unexpected vacation, or forget the above deadline, the back-up person is there to take over.

If for any reason the money from the popcorn sale is used for another purpose, be honest.  There are always ways to work through difficult situations.